Christopher Smith


Chris Smith Headshot
Christopher Smith
cell +44 (0) 7802 763177

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Career Summary

Christopher joined Thomas Miller Investment Ltd in 2006 to establish cash management services for the group. He was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer in 2001 and became a Consultant in 2021.

Christopher ran the banking division of the Edinburgh-based merchant bank Noble Grossart Limited from 1983. The services provided by Noble Grossart included the management of individual sterling and dollar cash portfolios for corporates, captives, trusts and insurance captives, based both in the UK and Isle of Man.

He is a member of the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you can get back less than you originally invested. Past performance or any yields quoted should not be considered reliable indicators of future returns. Prevailing tax rates and relief are dependent on individual circumstances and are subject to change.

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