Having worked with charities since 2003, we appreciate the increasingly demanding and accountable environment in which they operate.

It is partly because of our experience in working with mutual insurance clients that we feel our risk based investment approach is suited to Charities and befits the guidelines issued by the Charity Commission.

We recognise that Charities can have a unique set of priorities which drive their approach to investment management.  By deploying a diversified asset allocation approach, we balance income requirements against the client’s investment growth expectations and risk appetite.

Our objectives

We offer a level of service typically unavailable to many in the Charity sector. Working closely with our Charity clients, we aim to achieve an in-depth understanding of their objectives before formulating an investment policy.

These objectives often include:

  • Preserving capital reserves
  • Providing a steady flow of income to fund activities
  • Achieving long-term growth.

Tailored Solutions

Every Charity is different, therefore we seek a common understanding; only then can we formulate an investment strategy which will meet each Charity's needs. Simply put, we are looking to answer the following questions:

  • What is the charity trying to achieve with their investments and over what time frame?
  • Is there an identifiable end point for the uses to which they wish to put the fund?
  • What level of short term volatility are they willing to accept?

We manage portfolios on a segregated basis and specific ethical restrictions can be applied to each Charity portfolio. Portfolio performance is governed by individual benchmarks, and will reflect the level of risk acceptable to each Charity.